

Group (INCOTERMS 2000) Group Definition Abbreviation English Expansion Türkçe Açıklama Type of Transportation Used
E The seller delivers the goods to the buyer from his own business. EXW Ex Work Ticari İşletmede Teslim Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation
F The seller delivers the goods to the place indicated by the buyer. FCA Free Carrier Taşıyıcıya Teslim Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation
FAS Free Alongside Ship Gemi Yanında Teslim Seaway
FOB Free On Board Gemi Bordasında Teslim Seaway

The seller sends the goods to the buyer's country.

The shipping cost belongs to the seller. CIP and CIF also make insurance.

CFR Cost and Frieght

Mal Bedeli ve Taşıma Seaway
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight Mal Bedeli, Sigorta ve Taşıma Seaway
CPT Carriage Paid To Taşıma Ödenmiş Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To Sigorta ve Taşıma Ödenmiş Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation.
D He uploads all expenses and risks to the seller until the country the goods are sent to. DAF Delivered At Frontier Hudutta Teslim Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation
DES Deivered Ex Ship Gemide Teslim Seaway
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay Rıhtımda Teslim Seaway
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid Vergileri Ödenmemiş Teslim Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation
DDP Delivered Duty Paid Vergileri Ödenmiş Teslim Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation
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