Group (INCOTERMS 2000) | Group Definition | Abbreviation | English Expansion | Türkçe Açıklama | Type of Transportation Used |
E | The seller delivers the goods to the buyer from his own business. | EXW | Ex Work | Ticari İşletmede Teslim | Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation |
F | The seller delivers the goods to the place indicated by the buyer. | FCA | Free Carrier | Taşıyıcıya Teslim | Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship | Gemi Yanında Teslim | Seaway | ||
FOB | Free On Board | Gemi Bordasında Teslim | Seaway | ||
C |
The seller sends the goods to the buyer's country. The shipping cost belongs to the seller. CIP and CIF also make insurance. |
CFR | Cost and Frieght | Mal Bedeli ve Taşıma | Seaway |
CIF | Cost, Insurance and Freight | Mal Bedeli, Sigorta ve Taşıma | Seaway | ||
CPT | Carriage Paid To | Taşıma Ödenmiş | Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation | ||
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid To | Sigorta ve Taşıma Ödenmiş | Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation. | ||
D | He uploads all expenses and risks to the seller until the country the goods are sent to. | DAF | Delivered At Frontier | Hudutta Teslim | Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation |
DES | Deivered Ex Ship | Gemide Teslim | Seaway | ||
DEQ | Delivered Ex Quay | Rıhtımda Teslim | Seaway | ||
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid | Vergileri Ödenmemiş Teslim | Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation | ||
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid | Vergileri Ödenmiş Teslim | Seaway, Highway, Airline, Railway, multi-vehicle transportation |